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Sunday 5 February 2012

Leucorrhea Herbs Self-help technique for Vaginal Ejection BY Dr. Lee Mikal

Leukorrhea is not a disease but the manifestation of ovulation or of a local or systemic disorder. It may occur at any age and affects almost all women at some time. The most common cause is infection of the lower reproduction tract; other causes are inflammation, estrogen or psychic stimulation, tumor and estrogen depletion.

Leukorrheic discharge is usually white because of the presence of exfoliated or inflammatory cells. The persistence of some vaginal mucus is normal. Nevertheless, when soiling of the clothing or distressing local symptoms occur, the discharge must be considered abnormal.

Excessive moisture may add to normal body odor and may be a source of self-consciousness. Frequent bathing and drying of the parts should suffice. In Contrast, a strongly offensive odor may be an indication of genital infection.

The disease is termed "Dai Xia" (vaginal discharge) in traditional Chinese medicine.

Clinical Manifestations

Vaginal discharge with or without discomfort may be associated with itching when urine contaminates the inflamed introitus. The patient may complain of pudendal irritation, proctitis, vaginismus and dyspareunia.
Inflammation or ulceration of the vulvovaginal surfaces or cervix and a copious, white or coloured, usually odorous, discharge are usually present.

Cytologic study of a smear of vaginal secretion is indicated for all parous patients and others who are sexually active or whenever cancer is suspected. The same preparation can be stained to show trichomonads, candida, or other organisms.

Motile trichomonads are often seen in freshly voided urine contaminated with leukorrheic discharge. If these organisms are noted in a catheterized specimen, urethral and bladder involvement by the flagellate is likely. Culture of the trichomonad is difficult but may be successful when trichosel medium is used.

Leukorrhea associated with positive serologic tests may be a result of syphilis; a positive complement fixation test suggests lymphogranuloma venereum.

Medical Remedies for Leucorrhea

Medical Remedies for leucorrhoea depend upon the underlying cause. In cases of inflammation or infection, medication may be prescribed to reduce symptoms and kill bacteria or calm the tissue.

Antibiotics may also cause leucorrhoea or worsen it, so talk with your doctor if you have concerns or questions and report any new symptoms if they arise. Costs for treatment vary depending on where treatment is obtained, medications prescribed and whether insurance is used or not.

The most commonly used medicine for many forms of leucorrhea is metronidazole, known by it's brand name of Flagyl. This treatment is available in single and multiple doses and is taken orally.

Metronidazole may have some side effects, so instructions should be followed carefully for best possible results. In some cases it may be necessary to have any sexual partners get treatment for the infection so that it is not retransmitted.

Seeking prescription medication for leucorrhoea is sometimes necessary but can be expensive due to costs associated with visiting a doctor and testing in addition to the medication cost.

An over the counter remedy is also available for a moderate price. There are several brands and generic names for the product and are focused on treating yeast or fungal vaginal infections. Treatments come in a one, three and seven day package but it should be noted that the one day treatment often requires several days for results to be noticed.

This type of product can be fairly messy, and may have some side effects depending on the person. Side effects may include allergic reactions and irritation. It is also possible to obtain topical treatments to reduce some of the symptoms while using other methods to treat the underlying infection. If relief is not obtained after using over the counter methods, consult a doctor.

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