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Sunday 5 February 2012

Acne – Causes, Prevention and Control BY MIJ Sadique

Acne vulgaris, commonly known as acne, is a skin disorder that involves the pilosebaceous unit. This unit consists of a hair follicle, hair and sebaceous gland. Most of your skin contains these units (except the palm, sole and upper area of the foot), but the concentration is high on the face, neck and chest area. Acne is common during puberty when hormonal changes take place, though it can also occur in the late twenties. The general occurrences of acne are enlisted below:
  • Comedones are clogged skin pores that occur as whiteheads or closed comedones, and blackheads or open comedones
  • Pustules are lesions filled with puss
  • Pimples are lesions with a head
  • Papules are red bumps that don't contain puss
  • Nodules are deeper inflammations symptomatic of severe acne
  • Cysts are painful membranous sacs that contain white blood cells, dead skin cells and bacteria
Let's understand how normal follicles work before finding out how acne breaks out. Sebum secreted by the sebaceous gland forms a slough with the cells within the hair follicle and once it is full it spreads out and oils the skin surface so that it is healthy and moisturized. But, the hair follicle is obstructed due to some reasons and the sebum is trapped so that the follicle is clogged. This results in whiteheads and blackheads. Inflammatory symptoms occur when a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes, which is generally found in the skin, increases and draws white blood cells to the follicle. This in turn secretes an enzyme, and eventually the follicle wall ruptures and releases the contents to the dermis layer. Thus, the symptoms that we discussed above appear as acne, depending on the intensity. The irritation is due to the fatty acids formed in the process.
By now you have understood that acne is caused by clogged pores, bacteria and excess oil. How can you prevent acne? Useful lifestyle changes can make you less prone to the disorder:
  • Maintain hygiene using clean towels, bed sheets, pillow cases, etc.
  • Shampoo your hair regularly as dandruff and oily hair can give room for acne
  • Take plenty of fluids and a balanced diet to maintain a natural clear skin
  • Exercise regularly for proper blood circulation and for keeping off stress
Several natural acne treatment methods are available to control acne and heal the symptoms. Follow a healthy skin regimen that will help in acne cure:
  • Cleanse regularly with benzoyl peroxide cleansers, or salicylic acid cleansers if your skin shows allergic reactions to benzoyl peroxide cleansers
  • Use only water-based makeup that is free from oil
  • Before going to bed, apply a cream containing sulfur on the spots
Never pick or rub the blemishes as it can lead to permanent acne scars. You must also remember that oil-based topical applications will aggravate acne. Clear5 reviews explain how acne is treated naturally, by releasing vitamin B5, which neutralizes the hormonal hyperactivity helping the body metabolize sebum in a natural way. It neither dries the skin nor hinders the oil glands.
Severe conditions may require medical treatment methods consisting of antibiotics, oral medications and laser techniques for persistent symptoms. Tretinoin, adaphalene gel and oral antibiotics like tetracycline are a few of the ingredients of medical prescriptions. Early intervention will help you find and get rid of acne with simple methods, though it may take weeks to see noticeable results.

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