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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Causes and Solutions for Male Impotence BY heradon

Also known as erectile dysfunction, impotence is a problem faced by many couples, and a ghost that haunts most men

It has been traditionally known as impotence the inability to perform sexual act not achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient to introduce or maintain inserted into the vagina of women during the normal intercourse.

It is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection more than 20 percent of the time. Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men.

Although usually thought to be due to psychological problems, it is now known that 80 to 90 percent of impotence cases are caused by physical problems, usually related to the blood supply to the penis. There have been many advances in diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Types of erectile dysfunction and its causes

Here are some of the different types of impotence and its possible causes:

Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is the inability to maintain an erection long enough for mutual satisfaction. Premature ejaculation is divided into primary and secondary schools:

Primary premature ejaculation
Primary premature ejaculation is a behavior that man learns at the start of sexual activity. Like any learned behavior, it can be modified. This form of primary PE is called psychogenic impotence (as opposed to organic or physical). (Congenital venous leak is a subset of primary PE, caused by a congenital venous leak in which the venous drainage system of the penis does not close properly.)

Secondary premature ejaculation
Secondary premature ejaculation occurs when, after many years of normal ejaculation, the duration of intercourse grows progressively shorter. Secondary PE is due to physical causes, usually involving the penile arteries or veins or both.

Performance Anxiety
Performance anxiety is a common form of psychogenic impotence, usually caused by stress or anxiety.

Depression is another cause of psychogenic impotence. Some antidepressant medications cause erectile dysfunction.

Organic impotence
Organic impotence involves the penile arteries or veins or both and is the most common cause of impotence, especially in older men. When the problem is arterial, it is usually caused by arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, although the cause may be trauma to the arteries.

Controllable risk factors for arteriosclerosis - being overweight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking cigarettes can often cause erectile dysfunction before affecting the heart. Many experts believe that when veins are the cause, a venous leak or "cavernously failure" is the most common vascular problem.

Impotence is common in people with diabetes. In America there are 5 million adult men with diabetes and it is estimated that half are impotent and eventually the other half will become impotent.
The process involves "hardening" premature and unusually severe arteries. Usually, people with diabetes can suffer from peripheral neuropathy, which affects the nerves that control erections.

Neurological causes
There are many causes neurological (nerve problems) from impotence. Diabetes, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, heavy metal poisoning, injuries to the spinal cord and nerves, and nerve damage from pelvic operations can cause erectile dysfunction.

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